Monday, November 27, 2006

The Last Warrior

by Kylie Brant

Sometimes you keep trying an author because there’s something about their writing style that draws you, but you can’t seem to quite get in to the story. Kylie Brant is one of those authors whose books I kept buying but never finishing, until now. The Last Warrior grabbed me from the beginning and kept me glued to the pages. For once I felt the perfect mesh of exceptional writing, great storyline, and memorable characters that I expect from authors that I read over and over. With few exceptions, the Intimate Moments line has disappointed me in the last couple of years, so I was pleased that a line that I’d almost given up on is now producing books worth reading.

Joe Youngblood is a Navajo Nations Tribal police investigator, the Alpha type of hero that we all love. His wife left him, taking their son with her, and he’s understandably bitter in the romance department. He’s also afraid that she’s going to take off with their son and he’ll never see him again. Falling in love, especially with another non-tribal member, is far from his mind. Delaney Carson is a prize-winning photographer recovering from a harrowing experience in Iraq. She’s got demons of her own to exorcise, a life to put back together without the help of a bottle. Hired by the Tribal Council to write a book about their culture, she’s not prepared to become involved in the investigation of a drug ring, nor for a man like Joe. These two characters have scars that run deep; they’re emotional equals who need each other in order to heal.

Kylie Brant paints a picture of the land and history of the Navajo Nation, a love for tradition that continues in these people even today. The pride and dignity of a people steeped in history and myth is obvious in every word. Based on this book, I’ll read Kylie Brant again. 4 stars for this book.



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