Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Instant Attraction

By Jill Shalvis

I knew I was in trouble before even opening the book – starting to read it at night after work. I should have known better, or at least set the alarm clock to stop me before 3:00 a.m. I had fully intended to only read half of it the first night, the rest the next. Yeah. I started reading it around 9:00, with a break around 10 to write the next day’s blog and close down the computer. Then off to bed for just a little while of reading. But it’s a Shalvis book, when have I been able to set one of those down before finishing it?

Carly Phillips says on the cover blurb “Shalvis writes with humor, heart, and sizzling heat!” I have to agree with that; mostly the humor – although I do love her romances - but it’s the humor that keeps bringing me back to her books. There are so many romances out on the market, so many of them are good – but for me, the humor is what keeps me reading and what separates Jill Shalvis’ books from the others.

Instant Attraction is the first of a new trilogy by Jill - the stories of the Wilder boys, Cameron, Stone and T.J., owners of Wilder Adventures and Expeditions. This one belongs to Cameron; recently home after a year wandering the globe to escape the pain of losing what he thought was the very essence of his life, his championship snowboarding career. After an accident left him unable to compete again, Cameron ran from his family and his fears.

Katie Kramer was an accountant. Numbers were her life, safe choices ruled her decisions. Everything changed in a heartbeat with the collapse of a bridge in which Katie was the only survivor. She decided then to go off on adventures, to take risks. Landing in Wishful, California and as a temp secretary for Wilder Adventures seemed like the thing to do.

Both were running from their demons, both confront their fears together and learn the real definition of courage.

I love how this story flows, the romance progresses not at a break-neck speed but with a sizzling humor and warmth that is signature Shalvis. The secondary characters shine as usual without taking away from Cam and Katie’s story, but instead lend it depth and beautifully sets up the next in the series.

I give this book 5 stars!
Barnes and Noble

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